Musica classica, Milano, 2022 July 28
"... doppio appuntamento con la virtuosa argentina Evangelina Mascardi, star internazionale del Barocco ... un mondo pirotecnico di suoni che Evangelina Mascardi domina alla perfezione"
Musica classica, Milano 2022 July 28 - Luigi Di Fronzo
CLASSICA, Choc du mois, 2022 July-August
"... Evangelina Mascardi conjugue la force de la pensée, la perfection des doigts et l’authenticité du cœur : c’est Bach qui se livre en personne ... Les pièces polyphoniques enfin chavirent, sublimes de souplesse et de clarté, telle la Fugue BWV 998, funambule ... Evangelina Mascardi se met à nu, et impose une dimension spirituelle, quasi hypnotique"
CLASSICA, Choc du Mois / Juillet-Août 2022
Record Geijutsu, June 2022
"Evangelina Mascardi recorded Bach’s lute music with three instruments. All of them are copy of J. C. Hoffmann who was active near Bach. Mascardi’s interpretation is sensitive and rich in nuance. She makes rich sound from her instruments and the character of each dance is well captured. There are many points worthy of note through the entire program."
Record Geijutsu, June 2022 (Critics' Choice)
STACCATOfy, 2022 July
"... Mascardi brings the lute and the compositions back to discover or define the unknown. Mascardi does it with this extraordinary engraving ... writes a new significant interpretative page, the result of artistic maturity, critical rethinking, and original instrumental research ..."
STACCATOfy, 2022 July
BBC Music Magazine, 2022 June
"... convincingly improvisatory in the introduction and superbly fluent in the subsequent Allegro ... Her command of the ebb and flow of such pieces ... is underpinned by a convincing, understated control of the rythmic structure and makes for continuously satis fying listening..."
BBC Music Magazine, 2022 June - Jan Smaczny
MusicWeb International, 2022 May
RECOMMENDED Johann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750), Complete Lute Works - ARCANA A529
.... The works are often unidiomatic, so they require adjustments (including key changes) to be playable on the lute, but one would not be aware of any difficulties when listening to Evangelina Mascardi’s recording. What she has achieved is extraordinary. She is always playing with unwavering musical conviction, as if these works flow out from her and her lute. Anyone who knows this music well will have their own stubborn ideas about how they should be played (as I confess I do), but Mascardi is the sort of player who will persuade you of her particular interpretation.
MusicWeb International, 2022 May, Steven Watson
el DiarioBA, 2022 May
Evangelina Mascardi es una de las peregrinas y ya desde hace años ocupa un lugar de privilegio en la escena internacional ... con fraseo exquisito, respiración exacta, musicalidad extrema ... inspiración y justeza en sus ornamentaciones, pertenece por derecho propio al parnaso las mejores grabaciones existentes de estas obras, junto con las de su maestro Hopkinson Smith y las de Jakob Lindberg
el Diario de Buenos Aires, May 2022, Diego Fischerman
rbbKultur, 2022 May
Album der Woche: Johann Sebastian Bach - Sämtliche Lautenwerke
.... Unglaubliche Fingerfertigkeit und enorme Musikalität gehen bei ihr Hand in Hand...
rbbKultur, 2022 May - Rainer Baumgärtner
Scherzo, 2022
Bach: Obra completa para laúd - LOS EXCEPTIONALES
La distinción de grabaciones excepcionales se concede a las novedades que a juicio del crítico y de la dirección de la revista presenten un gran interés artístico o sean de absoluta referencia
Diapason, 2022 April
La dame au luth, Evangelina Mascardi y tient : elle est la première femme à enregistrer toutes les œuvres pour luth de Bach.... l’aplomb technique admirable, la beauté des sonorités, et cette espèce de simplicité qui confine à l’évidence...Agogique, articulations, dynamiques y introduisent une variété qui ravit l’esprit autant que le don du chant culminant dans des ornements partout idéalement intégrés à la ligne.... Evangelina Mascardi mérite assurément sa place au panthéon des luthistes.
Diapason, 2022 April - Loïc Chahine